Saturday, October 2, 2010

Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp - The Tourist Updates

Angelina Jolie - Johnny Depp - The Tourist

The debut poster for Columbia Pictures comedy-drama -thriller "The Tourist" was released this week.
The poster has a close up of Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp, and carries the tag line, "It all started when he met a woman,".
The film is was directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck and is a remake of the French film by Anthony Zimmer.

Angelina Jolie - Johnny Depp - The Tourist - Angelina Jolie Sexy

Interestingly, Tom Cruise was once set to play Frank (Johnny Depp's character), but he pulled out, was replaced by Sam Worthington, and then Johnny Depp
You may recall that Cruise was originally supposed to be the lead character in "Salt" and when he pulled out, Angelina took over the role.

If you havent seen the trailer yet, here it is...

You can check out the film's website here:

Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp - The Tourist Updates, posted to, on October 2nd, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Angelina Jolie Not In Gravity

I mentioned back in March that Angelina Jolie would probably not be going ahead with her role in Gravity.

Well it looks like I was right, because the role is now rumored to be going to Natalie Portman.
Gravity is Alfonso Cuaron's $80 million dollar "3D survival story" about two astronauts (a male and female) who are stranded after a disaster leaves their space station inoperable.
The male lead is reported to be Robert Downey Jr.

Oddly enough, Robert Downey Jr. plays Iron Man in the very successful films, and Natalie Portman will be playing Jane Foster in the upcoming Marvel movie, Thor.

According to reports, even after Angelina originally turned down the role, Warner Bros. still tried to get her, making a second offer.
But she still said no.

Gravity is supposed to start production at the end of January 2011, but with Angelina definitely saying no, the project might be in jeopardy, even with Robert Downey and Natalie Portman.

Angelina Jolie Not In Gravity, posted to on September 9th, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Angelina Jolie - Salt Opens Today

Angelina Jolie - salt - anglina jolie - angelena jolie

I first mentioned Salt back in August of 2008, and now almost two years later we finally get to see Angelina Jolie's completed project.

Salt opens today but yesterday, Angelina, director Phillip Noyce, producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura and co-star Liev Schreiber showed up at the Salt panel at Comic-Con in San Diego.
I think this may have been her first Comic Con appearance.

So far critics have been fairly positive about the films....
Rotten Tomatoes reports that 56% of 95 critics have given the film a positive review, with a rating average of 5.9 out of 10.
Metacritic gave it a rating score of 64 based on 34 reviews.
Kirk Honeycutt of the Hollywood Reporter liked it, as did Chicago Sun-Times critic Roger Ebert and Karina Mitchell of CBS News.
Both said it was cartoony violence and action, but it worked.
Oddly, a lack of CGI seems to be praised quite a bit.
Avatar backlash?

So now everyone seems to be looking forward to The Tourist (with Johnny Depp) and Cleopatra is already generating a lot of buzz.

Angelina Jolie - Salt Opens Today, posted to on July 22nd, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Angelina Jolie, Salt and Cleopatra

Angelina Jolie - Salt - JolieSo just a few weeks before Angelina Jolie's movie "Salt" comes out, the FBI busts 11 alleged Russian spies.
A PR agents dream?
Are my conspiracy buddies right and Hollywood really IS part of the "Shadow Government"?

Angelina Jolie - Angelina - SaltWell who really knows, but what I thought may have started out as great PR for the film looks like it may be falling kinda flat as the FBI desperately tries to keep their case from looking like a joke.
After all...Salt isn't a comedy.

Too bad they don't have time for a re-write and work Anna Chapman in.
Oh well.

If you haven't visited the official Salt site yet, here it is...

But even if Salt can't cash in on the retro Cold War feel, Angelina still has several projects in the pipeline.

angelina jolie sexy - angelina jolie hot - Salt Of course the next one up is The Tourist with Johnny Depp.
Then she'll be reprising the voice of Master Tigress in the sequel to Kung Fu Panda, titled Kung Fu Panda 2: The Kaboom of Doom.
Following that, she'll start work on Queen of the Nile, Cleopatra: A Life, based on the book by Stacy Schiff, in which Angelina will play Cleopatra.

Angelina Jolie, Salt and Cleopatra, posted to on July 2nd, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Now It's Angelina Vs Megan Vs Zoe?

angelina jolie sexy
Well it looks like the Angelina Jolie / Megan Fox thing wasn't going anywhere, so now Hollywood has added another name to the mix.
Zoe Saldana.

Zoe Saldana
In case you don't know who Zoe is, she first caught everyone's attention as Lieutenant Uhura in the re-booted Star Trek.
Then she played Neytiri in the blockbuster (which kinda seems like an understatement) Avatar.
Recently she starred as Aisha in The Losers.
But it seems her being considered for a role as an assassin in the upcoming film Colombiana is what sparked all this.

Okay, really...I don't see it.
I mean yes she is (maybe) playing an assassin in a film and they are comparing that to Angelina in Mr and Mrs Smith.
But really Angelina was an assassin in Wanted.
Now if Zoe were taking over her role in Wanted 2 or play Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider reboot (which would have a really cool Julie Newmar/Eartha Kitt feel to it), I could maybe understand it.
But how many women in Hollywood have played assassins and not been compared to Angelina?

I guess the Megan Fox thing wasn't going anywhere (like her career) and Hollywood needed something new for the gossip mills.

But until Zoe starts getting a lot of tattoos and adopting kids, (or stars in Wanted 2 or Tomb Raider), or wins an Oscar or two, just let it go.

Now on a more Angelina related note, you can go to and take a look at the preview of the immersive online game based on Angie's upcoming movie Salt.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Twilight's Kristen Stewart to replace Angelina Jolie in Wanted 2?

Angelina Jolie - Wanted - angelina wantedI said that when Angelina Jolie pulled out of the Wanted sequel, that I thought that pretty much killed it.
But the producers may have figured out a way around Angelina's absence, by focusing on another up and coming star.
No, not Megan Fox.
It appears the producers are looking at Twilight's Kristen Stewart to fill the void left by Angelina.

Kristen Stewart - Twilight - Wanted Rumor has it that Kristen will play a young assassin and James McAvoy will be back as Wesley Gibson.
The original idea that I had heard was that Fox (Angelina's character) was put in the healing wax bath and that she would be good to go for the sequel.
But when Angie nixed that idea, all looked like it was lost.

If this works out and Kristen does do the Wanted sequel, that will put the legions of Twilight fans behind the new project.

Now, will Kristen be playing Fox or another character?

As you know, Fox took a bullet to the head in the original, so could even the waxy bath save her?
Does she have an ability that allows her to regenerate like Dr. Who?
Did she do some kinda psychic transfer just before she died?
Does Wesley do some secret Tibetan ritual that transfers Fox's essence from one body to another?
Does Kristen play an all new character?
I gotta go with the last one, because that would allow Wesley to become the mentor, let Fox rest in peace, and give Kristen a new character to fill out.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Angelina Jolie Takes a Break From The Tourist

Even though the tabloids have been saying that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are on the rocks (when haven't they?) Brangelina somehow managed to fly down to Bosnia over the weekend.
I guess the nay-sayers will come out with an explanation for that.
As you probably know, Angelina is a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations (she has been since 2001), and she has done a lot of work for them.
But now Brad is going with her.
And Angelina actually took a break from the six kids, and working on "The Tourist" (with Johnny Depp) in Venice, Italy to fly down.
Or is it fly over?
Anyway, Brad and Angelina weren't there for the publicity, because they tried to avoid the spotlight as much as possible.
Well as much as a couple that famous can at least.

And in other news, Columbia Pictures released the full theatrical version movie trailer for Angelina's upcoming film "Salt".
And of course Screamingangie1 has it, and you can see it here:

posted to on April 5th, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

All About Angelina Jolie - Screamingangie1's Channel

I don't know if I have mentioned it before, but there's a channel on YouTube that has as many Angelina Jolie trailers, interviews, behind the scenes clips and pretty much anything else Angelina related you want to see.

It's Screamingangie1's Channel "All About Angelina Jolie" and the channel not only has the latest "Salt" info, but also some info from "The Tourist" as well.

So basically, anything Angelina related in the news is gonna be there.

Like for instance, here are some stills from The Tourist in a nice little five minute video.....

You can see this and more like it at Screamingangie1's Channel here:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Angelina Jolie - The Tourist, Wanted 2 and Serena

You probably noticed that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt missed the Oscars ceremony in Los Angeles.
Well they were in Italy were Angelina is shooting her new movie The Tourist (with Johnny Depp), and rather than blast across the globe for the ceremony, Brad and Angelina decided to stay in Italy and take the oldest kids to the director's house (Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck) to celebrate one of his kids' birthdays.
By the way, The Tourist is set to be released on February 16, 2011.

So with Salt in the bag, and The Tourist filming...what's next for Angelina?

For one thing, it looks like Wanted 2 will have to continue on without her because she has passed on that project.
Well not really continue, when Angelina passed on it, that pretty much killed the sequel.
And it was rumored that she would show up in the space-thriller, Gravity directed by Alfonso Cuarón, but it looks like that is a no go as well.

Two projects that are getting some attention are the film adaptation of Ron Rash's novel Serena, about the ambitious wife of a North Carolina timber baron.
The film may be directed by The Wrestler's director, Darren Aronofsky.
Does that mean Angelina will come to NC (my home state) to shoot?
Probably not, they'll probably film it in Vancouver...

Another project is a film adaptation of Patricia Cornwell's Dr. Kay Scarpetta books.
Well not really an adaptation, from what I hear it will be an original story focusing on a younger Scarpetta before the books start.
Did you know that Patricia Cornwell lived in NC for awhile as well?

And in tabloid fodder news, in the new book by Jenny Paul, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: The True Story, the author says that Angelina Jolie had an affair with Mick Jagger twice.
The first time was in 1997 when Mick was married to Jerry Hall, and Angelina was married to Jonny Lee Miller.
At that time, Angelina appeared in the Rolling Stones 1997 video “Anybody Seen My Baby.” which you can see here:

And the book goes on to say that they hooked up again in 2003, after Angelina divorced Billy Bob Thornton.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Angelina Jolie, Tila Tequila, Haiti and News of the World

Wow....Tila Tequila thinks Angelina Jolie is copying her.
Yes, the former MTV reality show star said "Oh so now Angelina Jolie is trying to adopt a baby from Haiti! Ha! Copying me much?? I used to like her, but having that many kids is abuse!"

Well Angelina did go to Haiti, she is after all a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
She and Brad Pitt have donated one million dollars to Doctors without Borders for their emergency medical operations in Haiti.
And when Angelina was in Haiti, she met with Edmond Mulet, acting U.N. Special Representative for Haiti and senior U.N. staff at their headquarters.
She also met with Haitians doing quake debris cleanup and she spent the night in a Brazilian military camp outside Port-au-Prince.

Brad has been quoted as saying that Angelina is "always open to children around the world," but she will not be adopting a kid from the earthquake-devastated country any time soon.

And Angelina told CNN that "For somebody who is an adoptive parent, I understand the urge to assist in that way. But now is not the time, an emergency is not the time for new adoptions in any way."

Maybe we should get Tila a RSS news feed so she can keep up with all this.

And in other news, Brad and Angelina are firing back at the British tabloid, News of the World, for the story they ran last month that alleged the couple were working out details of a split.
I guess they finally had enough of the rumor, so they have decided to sue News of the World.
As I have pointed out here before, it seems about every six months the tabloids run their "Brad and Angelina Are Breaking Up" story with a little variation each time.
Maybe a few lawsuits will stifle that noise.

Brad is one of the handsomest men in the world and Angelina is one of the most beautiful women so I guess that makes them targets.
But c'mon people, Angelina and Brad have done way more to help the world's children than a lot (maybe 95%) of the stars out there.
Sure they may have problems, who doesn't?
So the next time you see a tabloid article screaming some lurid details about their life, think about all the good they have done.
I hate to go all Biblical here, but read Matthew 7:15-20.
"By their fruit you will recognize them."

By the way, just for fun, I did an Angelina Jolie Versus Megan Fox Hub over at Hub Pages.
Guess who's in the lead....?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Angelina Jolie, Karen Elson and St John

Although Angelina Jolie is on the cover of almost every tabloid and gossip magazine in the world, the one place you wont be seeing her is in ads for St. John, the luxury knitwear company.
The company has decided to step away from actresses and has chosen red haired model Karen Elson as their new face.
According to George Sharp, executive vice president of design for St. John, Karen is the “epitome of the modern day woman…the St. John woman… strong, confident, sensual and approachable with effortless glamour.”
And St. John CEO Glenn McMahon said that Angelina is bigger than the brand, and was overshadowing the brand name.

At a poll on the Huffington Post, Angelina was (as of this entry) beating Karen Elson in a poll almost two to one.

And remember the movies that you've seen with Angelina with blonde hair?
Well it turns out, Angelina really has dark blonde hair.
Her mother Marcheline Bertrand didn't care for her blonde locks, so since the age of four, Angelina has been dying her hair dark brown.

And speaking of Angelina's mother, she left $100,000 in a trust fund to three of Angelina's children, Maddox, Zahara, and Shiloh.
What about Pax and the twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline?
Well Angelina's mother passed away before those three were born.

Angelina Jolie - Popular Posts