A former bodyguard of Angelina and Brad, Mickey Brett, is getting into hot water with the pair.
Brett has protected stars like Sandra Bullock,Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Sly Stallone, Richard Gere and of course Brangelina.
But now his tell all memoir and possibly a TV show, seem to have Brad and Angie on the defensive.
It seems Brett really liked Angelina and speaks highly of her, but he doesn't hold Brad in the same high regard.
So Brad and Angelina have gotten some of the most feared libel attorneys in the U.S. and the U.K. to make sure Brett's story doesn't get out.
Which of course makes me wonder.
What did they do that they don't want everyone to know about?
Is it just a privacy issue?
Are Sandra Bullock,Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Sly Stallone and Richard Gere this upset about the book?
I mean c'mon, it looks like Tom would be the first to launch an attack.