In the category of "Gosh I'm glad that all the world's problems are fixed so let's devote all our time and research to stupid things" we have a company in the good old US that has developed lip-reading software that can rate lips on a 10-point attractiveness scale.
No it wasn't drunk frat boys.
It was actually a "lipologist" (?) named Dr Kendra Schmid and it's called the Baileys Lip Attractiveness Software.
(I wonder if I can get it as a Firefox add on?)
Anyway, the reason why I've even mentioning it is because of the rankings.
You know how Angelina's lips are supposed to be one of her best qualities?
Not according to scientific (::snicker::) study.
No, the best lips in the world belong to....
Italian actress and fashion model Monica Belluci!
I can see that.
She got a perfect ten.
Next up was....
Scarlett Johansson!
Still no Angelina.
Third place was...
Halle Berry!
Still no Angelina?
Fourth place was....
Awww c'mon!
Yes Angelina came in a paltry fifth place.
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